(PRINT) Gatopardo - The witch of the Ruiz Massieu case: the murder dossier

Twenty-nine years ago, an image shook the country, that of the Secretary General of the PRI, José Francisco Ruiz Massieu, assassinated one morning in September 1994. It was the third crime of a complex six-year term. The authorities targeted Manuel Muñoz Rocha, a politician who had never held important posts, assigned to minor positions, but close to the brother of the then president of Mexico. The prosecutor's office built a case that became entangled in a web of betrayal.

But a witch burst onto the scene and became a key player and a tabloid feast for the press. What is behind this character?

Full reportage in print and online: https://gatopardo.com/reportajes/la-bruja-del-caso-ruiz-massieu/